Thursday, February 28, 2008


The differences and similarities between the T .V. show Smallville and the text "Being a Man"

Some people feel they have to hide who they really are to society to protect themselves and loved one. Smallville and "Being a Man" are going t o help support this thesis.

They are two young boys struggling in everyday life to hide who they are or feel they really are. In Smallville Clark struggles to hide all of this powers and that he is from another plant to protect himself and his loved ones. In "Being a Man" by Paul Theroux he struggles to hide who he really wants to be in life, a writer, and he not become so manly.

The differences between these two stories would have to be that Clark in the TV show Smallville he accepts the fact why he has to hide who he really is to the world. but Paul Theroux in "Being a Man" doesnt want to accept that fact that he is different and he is not OK with that. He feels what he looks like should be the way a man should look like as the standard looking guy that girls look up too! He won't be happy until he has changed people's opinion.


The Fellowship of the Ring said...

It sounds like both of the shows are really good things to write a synthesis paper on. I imagine that you will have plenty to write on about both shows. Keep up the good work.

hardkore54 said...

I think in your synthesis paper you can talk about how Clark grows up and threw his growing process learns about what it takes to be a man, and link it back to how in "being a man" he grows up and sees his manlyness.