Monday, April 14, 2008


Puppies and all kinds of animals are adorable and help with a lot of peoples health. Holding or buying a puppy can show and bring pathos, ethos and logos. Ethos and logos here is showing a lot of proof out there that animals will and can improve a persons health greatly. people voluntary give back to help others by bring their animals to hospitals help cure the sick. that is also when pathos comes in to the picture. Pathos because puppies have an emotional attatchment to there own and other ones who give them love. also humans have a very personal emotional attatchment to the animals. animals always help to bring to a smile to everyone's face.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I am stating an argument about unborn babies. everyone who sees this photos goes all they are so small and cute. guess what everyone this is who small they are when most woman decided to abort them( Kill them) just because we have came up with a second name for them as fetuses, doesn't mean they are life. this is a human baby and God gave you a blessing and if you choice to respectfully give up the baby; do this by going through adoption not killing your own child off. God made them why do you get the choice to kill them and cut their life off just because you want to be selfish and not handle it. Look at this picture, they are this small inside of you, girls. they are growing and their heartbeat is getting stronger.

Dont kill them off because you dont think they are babies or a human yet. look they are babies that are just extra small. They love you too!

Prison Break

Prison Break

Prison Break is about a brother names Michael and he commits a crime to get into the same prison as his older brother Lincoln. Lincoln who has been framed for a murder he did not do and is to die in just a few short days. Michael creates a plan to break him and his brother out of prison; but along the way more convicts get involved to help break out which means they have to come along and get free also. Michael ends up falling in love with the doctor at the prison, named Sarah. she ends up helping them escape. now the show is all of the mens stories on the run. many have died and those who haven't have been caught and put back in prison or they have to leave there family behind forever and be on the run.

Pathos- is shown in this TV show because of Michael's love not only for his brother( family) but for the Doctor Sarah. Michael makes good and bad choices just to keep them all safe.

Ethos and Logos- is shown here because Michael's brilliant plan to break out of the prison and all of the detail and hidden patterns and clues he haves plotted to help him out. that is ethos and logos because Michael before he was put into prison was a success structural engineer and was very well off and great at his job.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


The differences and similarities between the T .V. show Smallville and the text "Being a Man"

Some people feel they have to hide who they really are to society to protect themselves and loved one. Smallville and "Being a Man" are going t o help support this thesis.

They are two young boys struggling in everyday life to hide who they are or feel they really are. In Smallville Clark struggles to hide all of this powers and that he is from another plant to protect himself and his loved ones. In "Being a Man" by Paul Theroux he struggles to hide who he really wants to be in life, a writer, and he not become so manly.

The differences between these two stories would have to be that Clark in the TV show Smallville he accepts the fact why he has to hide who he really is to the world. but Paul Theroux in "Being a Man" doesnt want to accept that fact that he is different and he is not OK with that. He feels what he looks like should be the way a man should look like as the standard looking guy that girls look up too! He won't be happy until he has changed people's opinion.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Joy to me would have to be family! Making your family bigger by creating life and having it grow inside you for nine months or so.

Joy from Kristin

who have to be anything that makes her happy and calm and relax. Also it would also have to make her laugh

synthesis of Joy

Putting Kristins and mine joy feelings together I would have to create the movement of a child inside you hoping to see a footprint on yiur stomach and it would tickle and you would laugh. You wouldnt be able to stop smiling!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Plato's cave

The story that Plato writes about in his book called The Republic called Allegory of the Cave. IN this cave their are captives that their whole life is a fallacy. They are lead to believe that the images they are shown on this cave wall are what is real, and as far as they no all that they see is real. they live their lives in the pretend world and being content with it because they know no better. their captors are almost like a mad scientist trying out there experiments on these people and not caring that they don't have any real life so to speak of. these captors thought they were so wise that they felt that they could keep these ignorant people down below. one man escapes and goes up to a new world to him and now he cant ever go back down under the cave.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

First assignment

First I hated the way Anne Lamott wrote that passage. It was an annoying way to write that passage. Sadly that makes me not like or agree with a lot of what she says. But I do agree that you cannot just sit down and write a perfect novel or paper. Any writing piece can always be improved. Nothing will ever be perfect, there is no such thing in life. For me, I love to write essays, letters to friends and family. I dislike rereading what I wrote and revising, but I know that I should and I do. Well most of the time I go back and reread and edit what I just wrote but sometimes I feel lazy or just honestly forget. When I was younger I wanted to be a writer because I did have a natural talent for it, but some way along the read of growing up I just never pursued the passion. My writing has gone up and down in strength but when a day comes and it is a weak day I regret not pursing my childhood dream of becoming a writer. When I write something I can write it and take a long time or sometimes extremely quickly. I also can feel with my writing is great or just alright. I think blogging will improve my writing greatly and increase my typing skills, from being more actuate and faster. I use to have a blog and I’m glad that I will be restarting something that I loved.