Thursday, January 24, 2008

Gender Roles

In this picture it clearly states that women roles are changing everyday. Back in our past , the women of this country use to stay at home and did work inside the home, not hard labor for a small wage. but now in 2008 it is common now for women to go to work and make the income for the family either with her husband or all by herself. this picture is showing a woman working really hard on a piece of machinery getting a dirty and building muscles. but this lady's face isn't showing a happy face, that she is not pleased with what she is doing, that is also changing each day. there are hardly anymore hard labor jobs like shown in the picture but more cleaner jobs. what I am trying to say is that woman can work just like men and be the bread winner in the family but it is neither right or wrong either way. just make a choice that fits you best! then you will be happy!

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